// Экран ожидания страницы function showPage() { document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("body").style.display = "block"; } function hidePage() { document.getElementById("loader").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("body").style.display = "none"; } function showFullscreenImage(element) { imageSrc = element.getAttribute('src'); imageAlt = element.getAttribute('alt'); myModalImg = document.getElementById('myModalImg'); myModalImg.setAttribute('src', imageSrc); myModalHeader = document.getElementById('myModalHeader'); myModalHeader.innerText = imageAlt; const myModal = new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById('myModal'), {}) myModal.show(); } let showPage_var; function ready() { showPage_var = setTimeout(showPage, 10); // let fullscreenImages = document.getElementsByClassName("fullscreen"); // // Array.from(fullscreenImages).forEach(function(fullscreenImage) { // fullscreenImage.addEventListener('click', showFullscreenImage); // }); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ready); // Загрузка HTML из файла при загрузке URL async function bodyFetch(url) { if (!url) { tplUrl = 'news.tpl.html'; } else { tplUrl = url + ".tpl.html"; } let response = await fetch(tplUrl); let body = document.getElementById('body'); if (response.ok) { // если HTTP-статус в диапазоне 200-299 // получаем тело ответа (см. про этот метод ниже) let text = await response.text(); body.innerHTML = text; } else { body.innerHTML = "Ой всё сломалось :("; } } let query = window.location.pathname; switch (query) { case "/news": bodyFetch(query); break; case "/overview": bodyFetch(query); break; case "/download": bodyFetch(query); break; case "/donate": bodyFetch(query); break; case "/cooperation": bodyFetch(query); break; case "/about": bodyFetch(query); break; default: bodyFetch(); } // Загрузка HTML из файла при ПЕРЕХОДЕ ПО ССЫЛКЕ let elements = document.getElementsByClassName("menu"); let fetchPage = async function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const controller = new AbortController(); const signal = controller.signal; // Cancel the fetch request in 500ms setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 500); var body = document.getElementById('body'); let text; const url = this.getAttribute("href"); const tplUrl = url + '.tpl.html'; const linkText = this.text.trim(); const title = document.title + ": " + linkText; try { const response = await fetch(tplUrl, { signal }); text = await response.text(); } catch (error) { // DOMException: The user aborted a request. console.log('Error: ', error) body.innerHTML = "

Ой всё сломалось :(

"; } if (text) { const stateObj = {"html":text,"pageTitle":title}; // window.history.replaceState({}, title, url); // window.history.replaceState(null, title, url) // window.history.replaceState(stateObj, title, url) // window.history.pushState({}, title, url); window.history.pushState(stateObj, title, url); body.innerHTML = text; } else { body.innerHTML = "

Ой всё сломалось :(

"; } // let attribute = this.getAttribute("href"); // let url = attribute + '.tpl.html'; // let response = await fetch(url); // let body = document.getElementById('body'); // let status = response.status // isSuccess = status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304; // // if (isSuccess) { // если HTTP-статус в диапазоне 200-299 // // получаем тело ответа (см. про этот метод ниже) // let text = await response.text(); // body.innerHTML = text; // } else { // body.innerHTML = "

Ой всё сломалось :(

"; // } }; Array.from(elements).forEach(function(element) { element.addEventListener('click', fetchPage); }); // АКТИВАЦИЯ ПОДСКАЗОК const tooltipTriggerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]'); const tooltipList = [...tooltipTriggerList].map(tooltipTriggerEl => new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl)) // ПЕРЕХОД НАВЕРХ СТРАНИЦЫ //Get the button let mybutton = document.getElementById("btn-back-to-top"); // When the user scrolls down 20px from the top of the document, show the button window.onscroll = function () { scrollFunction(); }; function scrollFunction() { if (document.body.scrollTop > 20 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) { mybutton.style.display = "block"; } else { mybutton.style.display = "none"; } } // When the user clicks on the button, scroll to the top of the document mybutton.addEventListener("click", backToTop); function backToTop() { document.body.scrollTop = 0; document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; } /*! * Color mode toggler for Bootstrap's docs (https://getbootstrap.com/) * Copyright 2011-2023 The Bootstrap Authors * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. */ (() => { 'use strict' const getStoredTheme = () => localStorage.getItem('theme') const setStoredTheme = theme => localStorage.setItem('theme', theme) const getPreferredTheme = () => { const storedTheme = getStoredTheme() if (storedTheme) { return storedTheme } return window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light' } const setTheme = theme => { if (theme === 'auto' && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-bs-theme', 'dark') } else { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-bs-theme', theme) } } setTheme(getPreferredTheme()) const showActiveTheme = (theme, focus = false) => { const themeSwitcher = document.querySelector('#bd-theme') if (!themeSwitcher) { return } const themeSwitcherText = document.querySelector('#bd-theme-text') const activeThemeIcon = document.querySelector('.theme-icon-active use') const btnToActive = document.querySelector(`[data-bs-theme-value="${theme}"]`) const svgOfActiveBtn = btnToActive.querySelector('svg use').getAttribute('href') document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-theme-value]').forEach(element => { element.classList.remove('active') element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false') }) btnToActive.classList.add('active') btnToActive.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true') activeThemeIcon.setAttribute('href', svgOfActiveBtn) const themeSwitcherLabel = `${themeSwitcherText.textContent} (${btnToActive.dataset.bsThemeValue})` themeSwitcher.setAttribute('aria-label', themeSwitcherLabel) if (focus) { themeSwitcher.focus() } } window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener('change', () => { const storedTheme = getStoredTheme() if (storedTheme !== 'light' && storedTheme !== 'dark') { setTheme(getPreferredTheme()) } }) window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { showActiveTheme(getPreferredTheme()) document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-theme-value]') .forEach(toggle => { toggle.addEventListener('click', () => { const theme = toggle.getAttribute('data-bs-theme-value') setStoredTheme(theme) setTheme(theme) showActiveTheme(theme, true) console.log(theme) }) }) }) })()