
220 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Eike Hein <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA . *
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PC3
Item {
id: root
readonly property var screenGeometry: plasmoid.screenGeometry
readonly property bool inPanel: (plasmoid.location == PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge
|| plasmoid.location == PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge
|| plasmoid.location == PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge
|| plasmoid.location == PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)
readonly property bool vertical: (plasmoid.formFactor == PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical)
readonly property bool useCustomButtonImage: (plasmoid.configuration.useCustomButtonImage
&& plasmoid.configuration.customButtonImage.length != 0)
property QtObject dashWindow: null
Plasmoid.status: dashWindow && dashWindow.visible ? PlasmaCore.Types.RequiresAttentionStatus : PlasmaCore.Types.PassiveStatus
// Taken from DigitalClock to ensure uniform sizing when next to each other
readonly property bool tooSmall: plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal && Math.round(2 * (root.height / 5)) <= PlasmaCore.Theme.smallestFont.pixelSize
readonly property bool shouldHaveIcon: Plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical || Plasmoid.icon !== ""
readonly property bool shouldHaveLabel: Plasmoid.formFactor !== PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical && Plasmoid.configuration.menuLabel !== ""
// onWidthChanged: updateSizeHints()
// onHeightChanged: updateSizeHints()
function updateSizeHints() {
if (useCustomButtonImage) {
if (vertical) {
var scaledHeight = Math.floor(parent.width * (buttonIcon.implicitHeight / buttonIcon.implicitWidth));
root.Layout.minimumHeight = scaledHeight;
root.Layout.maximumHeight = scaledHeight;
root.Layout.minimumWidth = PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small;
root.Layout.maximumWidth = inPanel ? PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel : -1;
} else {
var scaledWidth = Math.floor(parent.height * (buttonIcon.implicitWidth / buttonIcon.implicitHeight));
root.Layout.minimumWidth = scaledWidth;
root.Layout.maximumWidth = scaledWidth;
root.Layout.minimumHeight = PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small;
root.Layout.maximumHeight = inPanel ? PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel : -1;
} else {
root.Layout.minimumWidth = PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small;
root.Layout.maximumWidth = inPanel ? PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel : -1;
root.Layout.minimumHeight = PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small
root.Layout.maximumHeight = inPanel ? PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel : -1;
readonly property var sizing: {
const displayedIcon = buttonIcon.valid ? buttonIcon : buttonIconFallback;
let impWidth = 0;
if (shouldHaveIcon) {
impWidth += displayedIcon.width;
if (shouldHaveLabel) {
impWidth += labelTextField.contentWidth + labelTextField.Layout.leftMargin + labelTextField.Layout.rightMargin;
const impHeight = Math.max(PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel, displayedIcon.height);
// at least square, but can be wider/taller
if (root.inPanel) {
if (root.vertical) {
return {
minimumWidth: -1,
maximumWidth: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel,
minimumHeight: -1,
maximumHeight: impHeight,
} else { // horizontal
return {
minimumWidth: impWidth,
maximumWidth: impWidth,
minimumHeight: -1,
maximumHeight: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel,
} else {
return {
minimumWidth: impWidth,
maximumWidth: -1,
minimumHeight: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizes.small,
maximumHeight: -1,
implicitWidth: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel
implicitHeight: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints.panel
Layout.minimumWidth: sizing.minimumWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: sizing.maximumWidth
Layout.minimumHeight: sizing.minimumHeight
Layout.maximumHeight: sizing.maximumHeight
//Connections {
// target: PlasmaCore.Units.iconSizeHints
// function onPanelChanged(){ updateSizeHints()}
PlasmaCore.IconItem {
id: buttonIcon3
anchors.fill: parent
readonly property double aspectRatio: (vertical ? implicitHeight / implicitWidth
: implicitWidth / implicitHeight)
source: useCustomButtonImage ? plasmoid.configuration.customButtonImage : plasmoid.configuration.icon
active: mouseArea.containsMouse
smooth: true
visible: false
// A custom icon could also be rectangular. However, if a square, custom, icon is given, assume it
// to be an icon and round it to the nearest icon size again to avoid scaling artefacts.
roundToIconSize: !useCustomButtonImage || aspectRatio === 1
// onSourceChanged: updateSizeHints()
RowLayout {
id: iconLabelRow
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 0
PlasmaCore.IconItem {
id: buttonIcon
Layout.fillWidth: root.vertical
Layout.fillHeight: !root.vertical
Layout.preferredWidth: root.vertical ? -1 : height / (implicitHeight / implicitWidth)
Layout.preferredHeight: !root.vertical ? -1 : width * (implicitHeight / implicitWidth)
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
source: useCustomButtonImage ? plasmoid.configuration.customButtonImage : plasmoid.configuration.icon
//source: Tools.iconOrDefault(plasmoid.formFactor, plasmoid.icon)
//active: compactRoot.containsMouse || compactDragArea.containsDrag
roundToIconSize: implicitHeight === implicitWidth
visible: valid
PlasmaCore.IconItem {
id: buttonIconFallback
// fallback is assumed to be square
Layout.fillWidth: root.vertical
Layout.fillHeight: !root.vertical
Layout.preferredWidth: root.vertical ? -1 : height
Layout.preferredHeight: !root.vertical ? -1 : width
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter
source: buttonIcon.valid ? null : Tools.defaultIconName
//active: compactRoot.containsMouse || compactDragArea.containsDrag
visible: !buttonIcon.valid && Plasmoid.icon !== ""
PC3.Label {
id: labelTextField
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.leftMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing
Layout.rightMargin: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing
text: plasmoid.configuration.menuLabel
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
//fontSizeMode: Text.VerticalFit
font.pixelSize: plasmoid.configuration.textLabelFontsize
//font.pixelSize: compactRoot.tooSmall ? PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont.pixelSize : PlasmaCore.Units.roundToIconSize(PlasmaCore.Units.gridUnit * 2)
minimumPointSize: PlasmaCore.Theme.smallestFont.pointSize
visible: root.shouldHaveLabel
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
dashWindow.visible = !dashWindow.visible;
Component.onCompleted: {
dashWindow = Qt.createQmlObject("MenuRepresentation {}", root);
plasmoid.activated.connect(function() {
dashWindow.visible = !dashWindow.visible;