#!/bin/sh # Version: 6 # This script will convert the *.po files to *.mo files, rebuilding the package/contents/locale folder. # Feature discussion: https://phabricator.kde.org/D5209 # Eg: contents/locale/fr_CA/LC_MESSAGES/plasma_applet_org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar.mo DIR=`cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd` plasmoidName=com.github.adhec.MenuDitto widgetName="${plasmoidName##*.}" # Strip namespace website=https://github.com/prateekmedia/MenuDitto bugAddress="$website" packageRoot=".." # Root of translatable sources projectName="plasma_applet_${plasmoidName}" # project name #--- if [ -z "$plasmoidName" ]; then echo "[build] Error: Couldn't read plasmoidName." exit fi if [ -z "$(which msgfmt)" ]; then echo "[build] Error: msgfmt command not found. Need to install gettext" echo "[build] Running 'sudo apt install gettext'" sudo apt install gettext echo "[build] gettext installation should be finished. Going back to installing translations." fi #--- echo "[build] Compiling messages" catalogs=`find . -name '*.po' | sort` for cat in $catalogs; do echo "$cat" catLocale=`basename ${cat%.*}` msgfmt -o "${catLocale}.mo" "$cat" installPath="$DIR/../contents/locale/${catLocale}/LC_MESSAGES/${projectName}.mo" echo "[build] Install to ${installPath}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$installPath")" mv "${catLocale}.mo" "${installPath}" done echo "[build] Done building messages" if [ "$1" = "--restartplasma" ]; then echo "[build] Restarting plasmashell" killall plasmashell kstart5 plasmashell echo "[build] Done restarting plasmashell" else echo "[build] (re)install the plasmoid and restart plasmashell to test." fi