- name: "Melawy Linux required (hidden) (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "needed Melawy Linux packages" hidden: true expanded: false selected: true critical: true packages: - archlinux-keyring - melawy-linux-keyring - melawy-linux-mirrorlist - cachyos-keyring - cachyos-mirrorlist - arcolinux-keyring - arcolinux-mirrorlist-git - chaotic-keyring - chaotic-mirrorlist - endeavouros-keyring - endeavouros-mirrorlist - manjaro-keyring - linux-atm - linux-firmware - linux-firmware-marvell - linux-api-headers - linux-cachyos - linux-cachyos-headers - base - base-devel # - coreutils-hybrid-git - appstream - busybox - edk2-shell - chwd - dracut - gptfdisk - iptables-nft - ipset - libnetfilter_queue - zapret-git - r8168-dkms - rtl8821cu-morrownr-dkms-git - aic94xx-firmware - ast-firmware - upd72020x-fw - wd719x-firmware - pacman - pacman-contrib - pacman-mirrorlist - pacseek - pacutils - plymouth - refind - systemd-ukify - xf86-input-elographics - xf86-input-evdev - xf86-input-synaptics - xf86-input-void - xf86-video-fbdev - fwupd - fwupd-efi - sbctl - melawy-branding - melawy-check-reboot-required - melawy-dracut-initramfs - melawy-dracut-ukify - dracut-luks-autounlock - melawy-etc-skel-std-powerman-kvantum - melawy-skel-root - melawy-refind-menu-generator - melawy-welcome - name: "Performance (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "needed Melawy Linux packages" hidden: true expanded: false selected: true critical: true packages: - ananicy-cpp - cachyos-ananicy-rules-git - cachyos-settings - dbus-broker - lua-filesystem - powersave-tweaks - preload - realtime-privileges - systemd-oomd-defaults - zram-generator - name: "Terminal-Base + Common packages" description: "Recommended. Don't change unless you know what you're doing." hidden: true expanded: false selected: true critical: true subgroups: - name: "CPU specific microcode update packages (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Microcode update image for AMD and Intel CPUs" selected: true critical: true packages: - amd-ucode - intel-ucode - name: "Virtual machines (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Required if OS run in virtual environment" selected: true packages: - hyperv - libvirt - open-vm-tools - qemu-guest-agent - spice-vdagent - virtualbox-guest-utils - xf86-input-vmmouse - xf86-video-qxl - xf86-video-vmware - name: "Filesystem (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Filesystem tools and applications" selected: true packages: - bcachefs-tools - btrfs-progs - cryfs - dosfstools - e2fsprogs - efibootmgr - efitools - encfs - exfatprogs - f2fs-tools - fatresize - gocryptfs - haveged - jfsutils - kpmcore - lvm2 - mtpfs - nfs-utils - nilfs-utils - ntfs-3g - nvme-cli - open-iscsi - pcsclite - reiserfsprogs - samba-support - sbsigntools - smartmontools - testdisk - tracker3-miners - udftools - udiskie - udisks2 - usbmuxd - xfsprogs - name: "BTRFS filesystem (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "BTRFS filesystem tools and applications" selected: true packages: - btrfs-assistant - btrfs-snapshots - btrfsmaintenance - timeshift - timeshift-autosnap - name: "Hardware (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Hardware support libs and firmware" selected: true packages: - dmidecode - dmraid - hdparm - lsscsi - mtools - sdparm - sg3_utils - sof-firmware - name: "Power (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Powermanagement support" selected: true packages: - cpupower - tuned - tuned-ppd - upower - name: "Terminal applications (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "General terminal tools and applications" selected: true packages: - bash-completion - bat - beep - btop - cloud-init - cronie - cryptsetup - device-mapper - dex - dialog - diffutils - duf - expect - fastfetch - find-the-command - findutils - fsarchiver - git - glances - gpm - hardinfo2 - htop - hw-probe - hwdetect - hwinfo - iftop - inetutils - intltool - inxi - iotop-c - kdialog - less - libfido2 - libusb-compat - logrotate - lolcat - lsb-release - lshw - lynx - man-db - man-pages - mc - mdadm - mlocate - most - nano - nano-syntax-highlighting - neofetch - neovim - nmap - ntp - openbsd-netcat - parallel - powerline - powerline-common - powerline-fonts - procps-ng - pv - python-defusedxml - python-packaging - python-pyparted - ripgrep - rsync - s-nail - screen - screenfetch - sed - sshpass - sudo - sysfsutils - syslog-ng - tcpdump - terminus-font - texinfo - the_silver_searcher - tldr - tmux - tpm2-tools - tpm2-tss - translate-shell - tree - ttf-terminus-nerd - unace - unrar - unzip - usbutils - ventoy-bin - wget - wget2 - which - xed - xmlstarlet - xz - yad - zenity - name: "Network (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Network apps drivers and tools" selected: true packages: - avahi - b43-fwcutter - bridge-utils - broadcom-wl-dkms - darkhttpd - dhclient - dhcpcd - dnscrypt-proxy - dnsmasq - dnsutils - ethtool - hiddify-next-bin - iw - iwd - ldns - lftp - libmicrohttpd - libmtp - mbedtls - mbedtls2 - mobile-broadband-provider-info - modemmanager - nbd - ndisc6 - net-tools - netctl - networkmanager - networkmanager-l2tp - networkmanager-openconnect - networkmanager-openvpn - networkmanager-pptp - networkmanager-qt - networkmanager-qt5 - networkmanager-strongswan - networkmanager-vpnc - nss-mdns - openconnect - openssh - openvpn - ppp - pptpclient - rp-pppoe - sequoia-sq - shadowsocks-electron-bin - smbclient - sshguard - systemd-resolvconf - green-tunnel-bin - tor - tor-router - obfs4proxy - snowflake-pt-client-git - webtunnel-git - lyrebird-proxy - traceroute - usb_modeswitch - vpnc - whois - wireguard-tools - wireless-regdb - wireless_tools - wpa_supplicant - wvdial - xl2tpd - amneziawg-dkms - amneziawg-go - amneziawg-tools - name: "Audio (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Audio handling tools apps and libs" selected: true packages: - alsa-firmware - alsa-lib - alsa-plugins - alsa-utils - lib32-pipewire - pavucontrol - pipewire - pipewire-alsa - pipewire-jack - pipewire-pulse - pipewire-support - rtkit - wireplumber - name: "X11-system (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Default X11 system" selected: true packages: - libwnck3 - mesa - mesa-utils - xf86-input-libinput - xorg-server - xorg-xdpyinfo - xorg-xhost - xorg-xinit - xorg-xinput - xorg-xkill - xorg-xrandr - xorg-xrdb - xsettingsd - name: "V4L2 drivers (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "V4L2 video, webcamera drivers" selected: true packages: - v4l2loopback-dkms - name: "Firewall (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Firewall installed and enabled" selected: true critical: true packages: - firewalld - python-capng - python-pyqt5 - name: "Fonts (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Melawy Linux font selection" selected: true packages: - awesome-terminal-fonts - cantarell-fonts - freetype2 - noto-color-emoji-fontconfig - noto-fonts - noto-fonts-cjk - noto-fonts-emoji - noto-fonts-extra - opendesktop-fonts - ttf-droid - ttf-font-awesome - ttf-hack - ttf-hack-nerd - ttf-ms-fonts - ttf-noto-nerd - ttf-twemoji - name: "Fonts (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Melawy Linux font selection" selected: true packages: - adobe-source-code-pro-fonts - adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts - adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts - adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fonts - awesome-terminal-fonts - cantarell-fonts - freetype2 - noto-color-emoji-fontconfig - noto-fonts - noto-fonts-cjk - noto-fonts-emoji - otf-fira-mono - otf-fira-sans - otf-firamono-nerd - ttf-bitstream-vera - ttf-dejavu - ttf-dejavu-nerd - ttf-fira-code - ttf-fira-sans - ttf-firacode-nerd - ttf-hack - ttf-hack-nerd - ttf-jetbrains-mono - ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd - ttf-liberation - ttf-liberation-mono-nerd - ttf-ms-fonts - ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols - ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common - ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono - ttf-noto-nerd - ttf-opensans - ttf-roboto - ttf-roboto-mono - ttf-roboto-mono-nerd - ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd - ttf-twemoji - ttf-ubuntu-font-family - ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd - ttf-ubuntu-nerd - name: "Spell (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Spell apps" selected: true packages: - aspell - aspell-$LOCALE - aspell-en - hunspell - hunspell-$LOCALE - hunspell-en_us - name: "Melawy Linux branding" description: "Needed Melawy Linux packages" hidden: true selected: true subgroups: - name: "Refind (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Boot loader screen" selected: true packages: - melawy-refind-theme-fenek - melawy-refind-theme-lera-sugar - melawy-refind-theme-nier-a2 - name: "Plymouth (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Boot screen" selected: true packages: - melawy-plymouth-theme-fenek - melawy-plymouth-theme-lera-sugar - melawy-plymouth-theme-nier-a2 - name: "Plymouth select (1 from list)" description: "Boot screen" selected: true subgroups: - name: "Nier A2 theme" selected: true packages: - melawy-plymouth-theme-hard-install-nier-a2 - melawy-refind-theme-hard-install-nier-a2 - name: "Lera sugar theme" selected: false packages: - melawy-plymouth-theme-hard-install-lera-sugar - melawy-refind-theme-hard-install-lera-sugar - name: "Fenek theme" selected: false packages: - melawy-plymouth-theme-hard-install-fenek - melawy-refind-theme-hard-install-fenek - name: "Window decorators (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" selected: true packages: - klassy - klassy-qt5 - name: "Base desktop theme (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" selected: true packages: - melawy-icon-theme-kde6 - melawy-theme-kde6 - melawy-plymouth-theme - melawy-refind-theme - name: "Desktop theme Win11 (full netinstall)" selected: false packages: - melawy-win11-icon-theme - melawy-win11-icon-theme-special - melawy-win11-icon-theme-white - melawy-kde-theme-win11-kde6 - melawy-kde-theme-win12-kde6 - name: "Desktop theme Colloid (full netinstall)" selected: false packages: - colloid-cursors-git - colloid-icon-theme-git - colloid-gtk-theme-git - colloid-kde-theme-git - name: "SDDM, KDE Plasma Look-and-feel, Wallpapers (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" selected: true packages: - melawy-kde-theme-nier-a2-kde6 - melawy-kde-theme-lera-sugar-kde6 - melawy-kde-theme-fenek-kde6 - name: "Cursors (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" selected: true packages: - melawy-purple-dark-cursors - melawy-purple-dark-default-cursors - melawy-purple-light-cursors - melawy-purple-light-default-cursors - melawy-red-dark-cursors - melawy-red-dark-default-cursors - melawy-red-light-cursors - melawy-red-light-default-cursors - name: "Updater (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" selected: true packages: - melawy-arch-linux-updater - melawy-arch-linux-updater-tray - name: "Desktop integration" description: "Useful helper tools and libs for desktop usage" expanded: true selected: true subgroups: - name: "Fix applications style (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Desktop environment" selected: true packages: - adw-gtk-theme - gnome-settings-daemon - gnome-themes-extra - gsettings-desktop-schemas - gsettings-qt - gtk-engine-murrine - kde-gtk-config - lxappearance-gtk3 - xdg-desktop-portal - xdg-desktop-portal-kde - hardcode-fixer-git - name: "KDE Plasma (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Desktop environment" selected: true packages: - accountsservice - akonadi - akonadi-calendar - akonadi-calendar-tools - akonadi-contacts - akonadi-import-wizard - akonadi-search - akonadiconsole - ark - audiocd-kio - blueberry - bluedevil - breeze - breeze-gtk - dolphin - dolphin-plugins - doublecmd-qt6 - drkonqi - feh - ffmpegthumbnailer - ffmpegthumbs - file-roller - flatpak-kcm - flatpak-xdg-utils - galculator - gksu - glfw - gnome-firmware - gnome-keyring - gparted - grsync - gst-libav - gst-plugin-pipewire - gst-plugins-bad - gst-plugins-base - gst-plugins-good - gst-plugins-ugly - gstreamer - gstreamer-meta - gwenview - karchive5 - kate - kcalc - kde-cli-tools - kde-gtk-config - kde-system-meta - kdeconnect - kdegraphics-thumbnailers - kdenetwork-filesharing - kdeplasma-addons - kfind - kgamma - kimageformats - kimageformats5 - kinfocenter - kinit - kio - kio-admin - kio-extras - kio-fuse - kmail - kmail-account-wizard - konsole - kscreen - ksshaskpass - ksystemlog - kvantum - kwallet-pam - kwalletmanager - kwayland-integration - libappindicator-gtk3 - malcontent - maliit-keyboard - media-downloader - mintstick-git - network-manager-applet - okular - p7zip - partitionmanager - plasma - plasma-browser-integration - plasma-desktop - plasma-disks - plasma-firewall - plasma-integration - plasma-nm - plasma-pa - plasma-systemmonitor - plasma-thunderbolt - plasma-vault - plasma-wayland-protocols - plasma-workspace - plasma-workspace-wallpapers - plasma5-integration - plymouth-kcm - polkit - polkit-kde-agent - polkit-qt5 - polkit-qt6 - poppler-glib - poppler-qt5 - poppler-qt6 - powerdevil - qt5-imageformats - qt5ct - qt6-imageformats - sddm - sddm-kcm - solid - spectacle - systemd-kcm - tumbler - variety - xdg-desktop-portal - xdg-desktop-portal-kde - xdg-user-dirs - xdg-user-dirs-gtk - xdg-utils - xwaylandvideobridge - name: "Package management (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Packages tools" selected: true packages: - appimagelauncher - downgrade - expac - flatpak - melawy-pamac-helper - ocs-url - pace - packagekit-qt5 - packagekit-qt6 - paclast - pamac - paru - pkgfile - rate-mirrors-bin - rebuild-detector - reflector - snapd - snapd-glib - sofirem-git - topgrade - yay - name: "Browsers and language package" description: "Add firefox and language pack if possible and other browsers" expanded: true selected: true subgroups: - name: "Firefox (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add firefox and language pack" selected: true packages: - firefox - firefox-i18n-$LOCALE - profile-sync-daemon - tor-browser-bin - name: "Firefox (full netinstall)" description: "Add firefox and language pack" selected: false packages: - firefox-developer-edition - firefox-developer-edition-i18n-$LOCALE - profile-sync-daemon - name: "Other (full netinstall)" description: "Add browsers" selected: false packages: - google-chrome - brave-bin - profile-sync-daemon - name: "Other other ... (full netinstall)" description: "Add browsers" selected: false packages: - opera - vivaldi - profile-sync-daemon - name: "Office" description: "Add the office applications" expanded: true selected: true subgroups: - name: "LibreOffice (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" selected: true packages: - libreoffice-fresh - libreoffice-fresh-$LOCALE - libreoffice-extension-languagetool - name: "OnlyOffice (full netinstall)" selected: false packages: - onlyoffice-bin - name: "FreeOffice (full netinstall)" selected: false packages: - freeoffice - name: "Media players (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the audio players" selected: true packages: - ffmpeg-obs - vlc-luajit - name: "Media players (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the audio players" selected: true packages: - audacious - elisa - ffmpeg-obs - vlc-luajit - name: "Picture editors (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the photo and picture editors" selected: true packages: - gimp - gimp-help-$LOCALE - gvfs - gvfs-afc - gvfs-goa - gvfs-google - gvfs-gphoto2 - gvfs-mtp - gvfs-nfs - gvfs-smb - inkscape - libdvdcss - libgsf - libopenraw - name: "Audio recorder (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the audio recorders" selected: true packages: - audacity - audio-recorder - name: "Video editors (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the video editors" selected: true packages: - avidemux-cli - avidemux-qt - name: "Media editors (full netinstall)" description: "Add the photo and picture editors" selected: false packages: - blender - kdenlive - krita - openshot - pinta - pitivi - name: "Code IDE and programming language package (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add Code IDE and programming language package" selected: false packages: - android-emulator - android-ndk - android-platform - android-sdk - android-sdk-build-tools - android-sdk-cmdline-tools-latest - android-tools - ansible-language-server - apksigcopier - base-devel - bash-language-server - boost - boost-libs - bpython - ccache - ckbcomp - clang - cmake - codelldb - dbeaver - doxygen - eslint-language-server - extra-cmake-modules - fakeroot - flutter-bin - gcc - gcc-libs - gdb - git - git-lfs - go - go-tools - icu69 - jdk-openjdk - jq - lld - lldb - llvm - llvm-libs - lua51 - luarocks - lua-language-server - make - mypy - nodejs - npm - perl - python - python-lsp-server - python-pip - python-poetry - python-pytest-ruff - python-ruff - ruff - ruff-lsp - rust-analyzer - rust-musl - rustup - sccache - sqlitebrowser - sublime-text-4 - tailwindcss-language-server - typescript - typescript-language-server - uv - visual-studio-code-bin - vscode-json-languageserver - vue-language-server - yaml-language-server - yarn - zed - name: "Code IDE and programming language package (full netinstall)" description: "Add Code IDE and programming language package" selected: false packages: - github-cli - github-desktop - name: "Mail applications" description: "Add the mail applications" expanded: true selected: true subgroups: - name: "Mailspring (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the mailspring" selected: false packages: - mailspring - name: "Thunderbird (full netinstall)" description: "Add the thunderbird" selected: false packages: - thunderbird - thunderbird-i18n-$LOCALE - name: "Chat applications (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the mail applications" selected: true packages: - discord_arch_electron - telegram-desktop-bin - zoom - name: "Chat applications (full netinstall)" description: "Add the mail applications" selected: false packages: - skypeforlinux-bin - name: "Passwords / keys applications (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the mail applications" selected: true packages: - keepassxc - kleopatra - name: "Desktop applications (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the desktop applications" selected: false packages: - buildtorrent - mktorrent - name: "Desktop applications (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the desktop applications" selected: true packages: - obsidian - qbittorrent - transmission-qt - yakuake - name: "Desktop applications (full netinstall)" description: "Add the desktop applications" selected: false packages: - corectrl - gwe - name: "Desktop applications (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the desktop applications" selected: false packages: - filezilla - meld - name: "Desktop applications (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the desktop applications" selected: true packages: - anydesk-bin - ffmpeg-obs - obs-studio-tytan652 - qbittorrent - vlc-luajit - yakuake - yandex-disk - yandex-disk-indicator - name: "Bluetooth (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Bluetooth support" selected: true packages: - bluetooth-support - bluez - bluez-hid2hci - bluez-libs - bluez-utils - name: "Printing support (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Support for printing (Cups)" selected: true packages: - cups - cups-browsed - cups-filters - cups-pdf - foomatic-db - foomatic-db-engine - foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds - foomatic-db-nonfree - foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds - foomatic-db-ppds - ghostscript - gsfonts - gutenprint - hplip - print-manager - printer-support - splix - system-config-printer - name: "HP printer/scanner support (full netinstall)" description: "Packages for HP printer/scanner" selected: false packages: - hplip - python-pyqt5 - python-reportlab - scanner-support - simple-scan - name: "Containers" description: "Add the Docker, etc" expanded: true selected: true subgroups: - name: "QEMU (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the Docker, etc" selected: false packages: - qemu-desktop - virt-manager - virt-viewer - edk2-shell - virt-firmware - bridge-utils - udiskie - udisks2 - networkmanager - firewalld - name: "Docker (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Add the Docker, etc" selected: false packages: - docker - docker-compose - docker-machine - docker-buildx - bridge-utils - udiskie - udisks2 - networkmanager - firewalld - name: "Portainer (full netinstall)" description: "Add the Docker, etc" selected: false packages: - portainer-bin - udiskie - udisks2 - networkmanager - firewalld - name: "Containers (full netinstall)" description: "Add the Docker, etc" selected: false packages: - podman - podman-dnsname - podman-compose - podman-docker - buildah - cni-plugins - netavark - fuse-overlayfs - udiskie - udisks2 - networkmanager - firewalld - name: "VirtualBox (full netinstall)" description: "Add the Docker, etc" selected: false packages: - virtualbox - virtualbox-host-dkms - virtualbox-host-modules-arch - name: "Vagrant (full netinstall)" description: "Add the Docker, etc" selected: false packages: - vagrant - udiskie - udisks2 - networkmanager - firewalld - name: "Cockpit (full netinstall)" description: "Admin panel" selected: false packages: - cockpit - cockpit-machines - cockpit-pcp - cockpit-podman - cockpit-storaged - udiskie - udisks2 - networkmanager - firewalld - name: "Support (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Packages for other support" selected: true packages: - input-devices-support - laptop-detect - name: "GPU drivers" description: "Recommended. Don't change unless you know what you're doing." expanded: true selected: true critical: true subgroups: - name: "Intel drivers (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Graphics hardware drivers" selected: true packages: - libva-intel-driver - libva-utils - name: "AMD drivers AMDGPU (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "Graphics hardware drivers" selected: true packages: - xf86-video-amdgpu - name: "AMD drivers ATI (manual choice)" description: "Graphics hardware drivers" selected: false packages: - xf86-video-ati - name: "NVIDIA drivers - Latest (202X) (base_system) (base_and_developer_edition) (full netinstall)" description: "NVIDIA graphics hardware drivers: GeForce GTX TITAN X - NVIDIA GeForce RTX X090" selected: true packages: - nvidia-dkms - nvidia-settings - nvidia-utils - opencl-nvidia - name: "NVIDIA drivers - 525 (2023) (manual choice)" description: "NVIDIA graphics hardware drivers: NVS 810 - NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation" selected: false packages: - nvidia-525xx-dkms - nvidia-525xx-settings - nvidia-525xx-utils - name: "NVIDIA drivers - 470 (2021) (manual choice)" description: "NVIDIA graphics hardware drivers: NVS 510 - NVIDIA RTX A6000" selected: false packages: - nvidia-470xx-dkms - nvidia-470xx-settings - nvidia-470xx-utils - name: "NVIDIA drivers - 390 (2018) (manual choice)" description: "NVIDIA graphics hardware drivers: GeForce GTX TITAN Z - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti)" selected: false packages: - nvidia-390-settings - nvidia-390xx-dkms - nvidia-390xx-utils - name: "NVIDIA drivers - 340 (2014) (manual choice)" description: "NVIDIA graphics hardware drivers: GeForce 8200M - GeForce GTX 880M" selected: false packages: - nvidia-340xx-dkms - nvidia-340xx-settings - nvidia-340xx-utils - name: "Additional packages" description: "Additional packages" expanded: true selected: false subgroups: - name: "Kernel in addition (manual choice)" description: "Adding kernel in addition to main one" selected: false critical: true packages: - linux-lts - linux-lts-headers - linux - linux-headers - linux-hardened - linux-hardened-headers - linux-lqx - linux-lqx-headers - linux-xanmod-lts - linux-xanmod-lts-headers - linux-xanmod - linux-xanmod-headers - linux-xanmod-anbox - linux-xanmod-anbox-headers - linux-zen - linux-zen-headers - name: "Desktop terminal (manual choice)" description: "Add the desktop applications" selected: false packages: - alacritty - alacritty-themes - kitty - kitty-shell-integration - kitty-terminfo - name: "Terminal applications (manual choice)" description: "General terminal tools and applications" selected: false packages: - browsh - elinks - links - w3m - glances - micro - xterm - name: "Media players" description: "Add the audio players" selected: false packages: - haruna - mpv - name: "Package management (manual choice)" description: "Packages tools" selected: false packages: - discover - octopi - octopi-notifier-frameworks - name: "Accessibility Tools (manual choice)" description: "Screen reader and mouse tweaks (impaired vision)" selected: true critical: true packages: - brltty - espeak-ng - imwheel - mousetweaks - orca