/* Theme Name: Melawy Lera Sugar Version: 1.0 Description: My theme Author: Valeria Fadeeva - https://github.com/Valeria-Fadeeva Date: 2023.04.04 License: GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, see */ Window.GetMaxWidth = fun() { i = 0; width = 0; while (Window.GetWidth(i)){ width = Math.Max(width, Window.GetWidth(i)); i++; } return width; }; Window.GetMaxHeight = fun() { i = 0; height = 0; while (Window.GetHeight(i)){ height = Math.Max(height, Window.GetHeight(i)); i++; } return height; }; Percent = fun(perc, pixels) { result = Math.Int(Math.Abs(Math.Int(pixels)) / 100 * Math.Abs(Math.Int(perc))); return result; }; Limit = fun(width, height, perc) { local.this; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.perc = perc; this.GetWidth = fun() { width = Percent(this.perc, this.width); return width; }; this.GetHeight = fun() { height = Percent(this.perc, this.height); return height; }; return this; }; ScaleImage = fun(image1, image2) { img1.width = image1.GetWidth(); img1.height = image1.GetHeight(); img1.ratio = img1.width / img1.height; img2.width = image2.GetWidth(); img2.height = image2.GetHeight(); img2.ratio = img2.width / img2.height; if (img1.ratio == 1 || (img1.width < 200 && img1.height < 200)) { img1.scaled = image1.Scale(img2.width, img2.height); return img1.scaled; } if (img1.width == img2.width && img1.height == img2.height) { return image1; } if (img2.ratio < img1.ratio) { factor = img2.height / img1.height; } else { factor = img2.width / img1.width; } img1.scaled = image1.Scale(img1.width * factor, img1.height * factor); return img1.scaled; }; FitIntoDimensions = fun(image1, image2) { img1.width = image1.GetWidth(); img1.height = image1.GetHeight(); img2.width = image2.GetWidth(); img2.height = image2.GetHeight(); ma = Math.Max(img1.width, img2.height); mi = Math.Min(img1.height, img2.height); factor = ma / mi; img1.fit = image1.Scale(Math.Int(img1.width / factor), Math.Int(img1.height / factor)); }; SetSpriteImage = fun(asset, x, y, z) { local.sprite = Sprite(); sprite.image = Image(asset); sprite.width = sprite.image.GetWidth(); sprite.height = sprite.image.GetHeight(); sprite.SetImage(sprite.image); sprite.SetPosition(x, y, z); return sprite; }; // TEXT common_font = "Noto Sans Mono Regular 10"; progressfont = "Noto Sans Mono Regular 12"; link_font = "Noto Sans Italic 16"; starting_text = "Starting up..."; bye_text = "System is shutting down"; progress_t= 0; x0 = Window.GetX(); y0 = Window.GetY(); z0 = Window.GetZ(); Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(0, 0, 0); Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0, 0, 0); screen.width = Window.GetMaxWidth(); screen.height = Window.GetMaxHeight(); // BACKGROUND background.image = Image("BACKGROUND.png"); background.image = ScaleImage(background.image, Limit(screen.width, screen.height, 100)); background.width = background.image.GetWidth(); background.height = background.image.GetHeight(); background.x = x0 + screen.width / 2 - background.width / 2; background.y = y0 + screen.height / 2 - background.height / 2; //background.x = x0; //background.y = y0; background.sprite = SpriteNew(); background.sprite.SetImage(background.image); background.sprite.SetPosition(background.x, background.y, 0); background.sprite.SetOpacity(1); // SIDE BACKGROUND side_panel.image = Image("SIDE_BACKGROUND2.png"); side_panel.image = side_panel.image.Scale(Percent(25, screen.width), Percent(100, screen.height)); side_panel.width = side_panel.image.GetWidth(); side_panel.height = side_panel.image.GetHeight(); side_panel.x = x0; side_panel.y = y0; side_panel.sprite = Sprite(side_panel.image); side_panel.sprite.SetPosition(side_panel.x, side_panel.y, 1); side_panel.sprite.SetOpacity(0.75); // MESSAGES BOX messages_box.image = Image("MESSAGES_BOX.png"); messages_box.image = messages_box.image.Scale(Percent(80, side_panel.width), Percent(40, side_panel.height)); messages_box.width = messages_box.image.GetWidth(); messages_box.height = messages_box.image.GetHeight(); messages_box.x = Percent(50, side_panel.width) - messages_box.width / 2; messages_box.y = Percent(45, side_panel.height) - messages_box.height; messages_box.sprite = Sprite(messages_box.image); messages_box.sprite.SetPosition(messages_box.x, messages_box.y, 2); messages_box.sprite.SetOpacity(1); // Sise Logo side_logo.image = Image("Melawy_Linux_640x320.png"); side_logo.image = ScaleImage(side_logo.image, Limit(screen.width, screen.height, 20)); side_logo.width = side_logo.image.GetWidth(); side_logo.height = side_logo.image.GetHeight(); side_logo.x = (side_panel.width - side_logo.width) / 2; side_logo.y = side_panel.height - side_panel.height * 0.25; side_logo.sprite = Sprite(side_logo.image); side_logo.sprite.SetPosition(side_logo.x, side_logo.y, 2); side_logo.sprite.SetOpacity(1); // **************************************** // project_link.image = Image.Text("https://github.com/Melawy", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, link_font); project_link.width = project_link.image.GetWidth(); project_link.height = project_link.image.GetHeight(); project_link.sprite = Sprite(project_link.image); project_link.x = (side_panel.width - project_link.width) / 2; project_link.y = side_logo.y + side_logo.height; project_link.sprite.SetPosition(project_link.x, project_link.y, 2); project_link.sprite.SetOpacity(1); // **************************************** // // LOGO logo.image = Image("MAIN_LOGO.png"); logo.image = FitIntoDimensions(logo.image, Limit(screen.width, screen.height, 35)); logo.sprite = Sprite(logo.image); logo.x = screen.width / 2 - logo.image.GetWidth() / 2; // позиция логотипа X logo.y = Percent(10, screen.height); // позиция логотипа Y logo.sprite.SetPosition(logo.x, logo.y, 2); logo.sprite.SetOpacity(1); // PROGRESS FORM progress_form.image = Image("PROGRESS_FORM.png"); progress_form.image = progress_form.image.Scale(Percent(80, side_panel.width), Percent(10, side_panel.height)); progress_form.width = progress_form.image.GetWidth(); progress_form.height = progress_form.image.GetHeight(); progress_form.x = Percent(50, side_panel.width) - progress_form.width / 2; progress_form.y = Percent(75, side_panel.height) - progress_form.height; progress_form.sprite = Sprite(progress_form.image); progress_form.sprite.SetPosition(progress_form.x, progress_form.y, 2); progress_form.sprite.SetOpacity(1); // SPINNER spinner.image = Image("SPINNER.png"); spinner.image = spinner.image.Scale(Percent(1, screen.width), Percent(1, screen.width)); spinner.width = spinner.image.GetWidth(); spinner.height = spinner.image.GetHeight(); spinner.x = progress_form.x + progress_form.width - Percent(10, progress_form.width); spinner.y = progress_form.y + Percent(10, progress_form.height); spinner.sprite = Sprite(spinner.image); spinner.sprite.SetPosition(spinner.x, spinner.y, 3); // позиция за или перед // PROGRESS TEXT progress_text.image = Image.Text(progress_t + "%", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, progressfont); progress_text.width = progress_text.image.GetWidth(); progress_text.height = progress_text.image.GetHeight(); progress_text.x = progress_form.x + Percent(5, progress_form.width); // позиция % по X progress_text.y = progress_form.y + Percent(10, progress_form.height); // позиция % по Y progress_text.sprite = SpriteNew(); progress_text.sprite.SetPosition(progress_text.x, progress_text.y, 3); // PROGRESS BOX progress_box.image = Image("PROGRESS_BOX.png"); progress_box.image = progress_box.image.Scale(Percent(90, progress_form.width), Percent(15, progress_form.height)); progress_box.width = progress_box.image.GetWidth(); progress_box.height = progress_box.image.GetHeight(); progress_box.x = progress_form.x + (progress_form.width - progress_box.width) / 2; progress_box.y = progress_form.y + (progress_form.height - progress_box.height) / 2; progress_box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image); progress_box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_box.x, progress_box.y, 3); // PROGRESS BAR progress_bar.original_image = Image("PROGRESS_BAR.png"); progress_bar.original_image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(Percent(90, progress_form.width), Percent(15, progress_form.height)); progress_bar.width = progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(); progress_bar.height = progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight(); progress_bar.x = progress_form.x + (progress_form.width - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth()) / 2; progress_bar.y = progress_form.y + (progress_form.height - progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()) / 2; progress_bar.sprite = Sprite(); progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 4); // PROGRESS FADE progress_fade.image = Image("PROGRESS_FADE.png"); progress_fade.image = progress_fade.image.Scale(Percent(10, progress_form.width), Percent(15, progress_form.height)); progress_fade.width = progress_fade.image.GetWidth(); progress_fade.height = progress_fade.image.GetHeight(); progress_fade.sprite = Sprite(progress_fade.image); fade_dir = 0; // 0 = right, 1 = left counter = 0; max_counter = progress_box.width - progress_fade.width; fun progress_callback(duration, progress) { if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth() != Math.Int(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() * progress)) { progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image) * progress, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()); progress_bar.sprite.SetImage(progress_bar.image); f = Math.Int(progress_bar.image.GetWidth() /progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() * 100); progress_t.image = Image.Text(f + "%", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, progressfont); progress_text.sprite.SetImage(progress_t.image); } } Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction(progress_callback); // DIALOG status = "normal"; //count = 0; fun dialog_setup() { local.box_form; local.lock; local.entry; local.hint; local.bullet_i; box_form.image = Image("BOX.png"); box_form.image = box_form.image.Scale(Percent(80, side_panel.width), Percent(10, side_panel.height)); box_form.width = box_form.image.GetWidth(); box_form.height = box_form.image.GetHeight(); box_form.x = progress_form.x; box_form.y = progress_form.y - box_form.height - Percent(1, side_panel.height); box_form.z = 10000; box_form.sprite = Sprite(box_form.image); box_form.sprite.SetPosition(box_form.x, box_form.y, box_form.z); box_form.sprite.SetOpacity(1); entry.image = Image("ENTRY.png"); entry.image = entry.image.Scale(Percent(90, box_form.width), Percent(33, box_form.height)); entry.width = entry.image.GetWidth(); entry.height = entry.image.GetHeight(); entry.x = box_form.x + box_form.width/2 - entry.width/2; entry.y = box_form.y + box_form.height/2 - entry.height/2; entry.z = box_form.z + 1; entry.sprite = Sprite(entry.image); entry.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, entry.y, entry.z); lock.image = Image("LOCK.png"); lock.image = lock.image.Scale(Percent(95, entry.height), Percent(95, entry.height)); lock.width = lock.image.GetWidth(); lock.height = lock.image.GetHeight(); lock.x = entry.x + entry.width - lock.width - (entry.height - lock.height); lock.y = entry.y + entry.height/2 - lock.height/2; lock.z = box_form.z + 2; lock.sprite = Sprite(lock.image); lock.sprite.SetPosition(lock.x, lock.y, lock.z); hint.sprite = SpriteNew(); hint.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, box_form.y + Percent(5, box_form.height), box_form.z + 1); bullet_i.image = Image("BULLET.png"); bullet_i.image = bullet_i.image.Scale(Percent(50, entry.height), Percent(50, entry.height)); bullet_i.width = bullet_i.image.GetWidth(); bullet_i.height = bullet_i.image.GetHeight(); global.dialog.box_form = box_form; global.dialog.lock = lock; global.dialog.entry = entry; global.dialog.hint = hint; global.dialog.bullet_i = bullet_i; dialog_opacity(1); } fun dialog_opacity(opacity) { if (opacity == 0) { dialog.box_form.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.lock.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.entry.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); } else { dialog.lock.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); dialog.entry.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); } dialog.hint.sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); for(index = 0; dialog.bullet[index]; index++) { dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(opacity); } } fun display_normal_callback() { global.status = "normal"; if (global.dialog) dialog_opacity(0); } Plymouth.SetDisplayNormalFunction(display_normal_callback); fun display_password_callback(prompt_text, bullets) { global.status = "password"; if (!global.dialog) dialog_setup(); else dialog_opacity(1); dialog.hint.image = Image.Text(prompt_text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, common_font); dialog.hint.sprite.SetImage(dialog.hint.image); for(index = 0; dialog.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++) { if (!dialog.bullet[index]) { dialog.bullet[index].sprite = Sprite(dialog.bullet_i.image); dialog.bullet[index].x = dialog.entry.x + index * dialog.bullet_i.width / 0.9 - dialog.entry.height * -0.2; // отступ точки от точки и от поля(modified) dialog.bullet[index].y = dialog.entry.y + (dialog.entry.height - dialog.bullet_i.height) / 2; dialog.bullet[index].z = dialog.entry.z + 1; dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetPosition(dialog.bullet[index].x, dialog.bullet[index].y, dialog.bullet[index].z); } if (index < bullets) dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(1); else dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity(0); } } Plymouth.SetDisplayPasswordFunction(display_password_callback); time = 1; fun refreshHandler() { if (global.status == "normal" && Plymouth.GetMode() == "boot") { progress_fade.sprite.SetOpacity (0); // полностью прозрачный progress_bar.sprite.SetOpacity (1); text.image = Image.Text(starting_text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, common_font); text.sprite = Sprite(text.image); text.x = progress_box.x; text.y = progress_box.y - progress_text.image.GetHeight() * 2; text.sprite.SetPosition(text.x, text.y, 3); } else { progress_fade.sprite.SetOpacity (1); progress_bar.sprite.SetOpacity (0); text_end.image = Image.Text(bye_text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, common_font); text_end.sprite = Sprite(text_end.image); text_end.x = progress_box.x; text_end.y = progress_box.y - progress_text.image.GetHeight() * 2; text_end.sprite.SetPosition(text_end.x, text_end.y, 3); } progress_fade.x = progress_bar.x; progress_fade.y = progress_bar.y; progress_fade.sprite.SetPosition(counter + progress_fade.x, progress_fade.y, 4); if (fade_dir == 0) { counter++; if (counter >= max_counter) { fade_dir = 1; } } else { counter--; if (counter <= 0) { fade_dir = 0; } } /* if fsck is running or the password is prompted, hide the spinner */ if (fsck_running == 1 || passw_dialog_input_sprite.GetOpacity() == 1) { spinner.sprite.SetOpacity(0); } else { spinner.sprite.SetOpacity(1); time++; theta = time / (Math.Pi * 2); spinner.sprite.SetImage(spinner.image.Rotate(theta)); } if ((fsck_running == 1) && (fsck_done_fading == 0)) { fsck_progress_meter_sprite.SetOpacity(fsck_fade_in_counter); fsck_progress_fade_sprite.SetOpacity(fsck_fade_in_counter); if (fsck_fade_in_counter < 1) { fsck_fade_in_counter+= 0.025; } else { fsck_done_fading = 1; } } } Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction(refreshHandler); message_status.sprite = SpriteNew(); fun message_callback(prompt_text) { message_status.image = Image.Text(prompt_text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, common_font); message_status.sprite.SetImage(message_status.image); message_status.height = message_status.image.GetHeight(); message_status.x = messages_box.x + Percent(5, messages_box.width); message_status.y = messages_box.y + messages_box.height - Percent(7, messages_box.height); message_status.sprite.SetPosition(message_status.x, message_status.y, 3); message_status.sprite.SetOpacity(1); } Plymouth.SetMessageFunction(message_callback); message_sprite_.x = messages_box.x + Percent(5, messages_box.width); // позиция % по X message_sprite_.y = messages_box.y + Percent(10, messages_box.height); // позиция % по Y // LOG // NUM_SCROLL_LINES=20; //количество строк лога LINE_WIDTH=40; //ширина строк лога // Initialising text images and their positions // 20 is the height(including line spacing) of each line for(i=0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { lines[i]= Image.Text("", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, common_font); //цвет строк message_sprite[i] = SpriteNew(); message_sprite[i].SetPosition(message_sprite_.x, message_sprite_.y + (i * 17), 3); } //высота строк //отступ строк fun StringLength(string) { index = 0; str = String(string); while(str.CharAt(index)) index++; return index; } fun scroll_message_callback(text) { // Truncate the message if too long if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH) { text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 3); text += "..."; } // Shift message one up for(i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES - 1; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i+1]; } // Create the image for the latest message lines[i] = Image.Text(text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, common_font); // Re-positioning the text images for(i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) { message_sprite[i].SetImage(lines[i]); } } Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction(scroll_message_callback); // QUIT fun quit_callback() { progress_fade.sprite.SetOpacity (1); progress_bar.sprite.SetOpacity (0); if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "shutdown") { logo.sprite.SetOpacity(0); } } Plymouth.SetQuitFunction(quit_callback);