#!/bin/bash # # This file can contain commands that will be executed at the end of # Melawy Linux install (online mode only) on the target system. # The commands will be executed as root. # # This allows you to customize the installed system in several ways! # # If you add commands to this file, start the install process after # saving this file. # # Tip: save your customized commands into a file on an internet server # and fetch that file with command: # # wget -O ~/user_commands.bash "URL-referring-the-file" # # Ideas for customization: # - install packages # - remove packages # - enable or disable system services # - writing dotfiles under $HOME # - etc. # # Example commands: # # pacman -S --noconfirm --needed gufw geany chromium # pacman -Rsn --noconfirm xed # systemctl enable ufw # # There are some limitations to the commands: # - The 'pacman' commands mentioned above require option '--noconfirm', # otherwise the install process may hang because pacman waits for a # confirmation! # - Installing packages with 'yay' does not work because yay may not # be run as root. # The 'makepkg' command suffers from the same limitation. # This essentially blocks installing AUR packages here. # # Advanced tip (for ISOs since year 2022): # To write files directly into $HOME, you can find the new username # as the first parameter given to user_commands.bash, e.g. # username="$1" # Then you may write files under folder # /home/$username # # For ISOs released before year 2022: # Find your new username with command # username=$(cat /tmp/new_username.txt) # # New installer feature at 2023-Feb-02: # To help customizing calamares on the ISO, user_commands.bash will be called # (as root) with 2 parameters: # --iso-config # "install_mode" (one of: online, offline, community) # before starting the calamares installer. # For example: # bash ~/user_commands.bash --iso-config online # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Full example (to try it, remove the first '#' from the lines below): # # #!/bin/bash # # # Note: needs ISO since year 2022 # # username="$1" # echo "# Hello world!" >> /home/$username/.bashrc # pacman -S --noconfirm --needed geany chromium libreoffice-fresh